New journal issues at Edizioni Minerva Medica

 EDITORIAL SFA MANAGEMENT.   . The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 2019 October;60(5):543-5 Treatment algorithm for long segment femoropopliteal disease Marc BOSIERS *  REVIEW SFA MANAGEMENT.  FREE. The Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (more…)

TAXINOMISIS – Newsletter September 2019

TAXINOMISIS is a European Commission funded research project which aims to develop a new approach for the stratification of carotid artery disease patients. TAXINOMISIS takes bold step beyond the state (more…)

Winners of Young Surgeon Award 2019

[vcex_heading text="Vascular Young Surgeon Award " icon="fa fa-heart-o"][vcex_list_item icon="fa fa-trophy"]Dr. G A. Boschetti (Italy) – O.S.C. after EVAR: A six - year report [/vcex_list_item][vcex_list_item icon="fa fa-trophy"]Dr .L. Hanna (UK) – (more...)