[vcex_heading text=”Μultidisciplinary approach
stratification of patients with carotid artery disease”]

TAXINOMISIS is a European Commission funded research project which aims to develop a new approach for the stratification of carotid artery disease patients.
TAXINOMISIS takes bold step beyond the state of the art unwinding the pathobiology underlying symptomatic plaques, discriminating distinct disease mechanism-driven states and biomarkers, and developing a multiscale risk stratification model.
TAXINOMISIS will deliver, as a main outcome, a software platform, which can perform the risk stratification.

[vcex_heading text=”TAXINOMISIS innovation capacity” responsive_text=”true” text_align=”center” font_size=”18px”]
[vcex_icon_box heading=”Purpose” icon=”fa fa-cogs” icon_color=”#1e73be”]Provide novel disease mechanism-based stratification for carotid artery disease patients to address the need for stratified and personalised therapeutic interventions in the current era.[/vcex_icon_box][vcex_icon_box heading=”Purpose” icon=”fa fa-cogs” icon_color=”#dd3333″]

  • Investigate the causal relationship of the major pathways and factors identified in symptomatic carotid artery disease
  • Study disease phenotypes and disintegrate them into endotypes according to specific pathobiological mechanisms
  • Integrate a computational model and an agent based model of plaque progression in the risk stratification tool
  • Perform a test for determining the presence of single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and predicting drug response
  • Evaluate the risk model of carotid artery disease stratification in an observational multicentre clinical study
  • Present a cost-effectiveness analysis


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 755320.

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The overall purpose of TAXINOMISIS is to provide novel disease mechanism-based stratification for carotid artery disease patients to address the need for stratified and personalised therapeutic interventions in the current era.